
Monday, January 5, 2015

Oops, I forgot to blog for 5 months

Sorry I just disappeared.
I could have been blogging about all the art shows I did over the fall.
Or the ads my work appeared in, or anything. Heck I could have even blogged over the hazards of maintaining a clean work space.
But I didnt.
Sorry about that.

I get frustrated and the passion flees.
I love creating and being creative, and I do it even if I dont have an audience.
But I need an audience to survive financially. When that doesn't happen I pout. I tend to pout in very self destructive ways. I stop doing what makes me happy, I start doing things that are bad for me (eating wheat and corn, drinking too much soda).

Unfortunately this blog has been a victim of that.

I don't have any grand resolutions for this year, and nothing profound regarding 2014 in retrospect.

I just know Im gonna keep on doing this, and I will remember to share, and maybe someday I will figure this all out. Until then, happy crafting!

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